linux/Documentation/fb/modedb.rst at rpi-6.1.y · raspberrypi/linux · GitHub
The "legacy firmware" and "FKMS" display modes used in earlier versions of Raspberry Pi OS are no longer supported; KMS (Kernel Mode Setting) is now used instead.

If no video entry is present in cmdline.txt then the Linux kernel will read the EDID of an HDMI-connected monitor, and automatically pick the best resolution supported by your display. If you’re using Raspberry Pi OS Lite, or the "boot to CLI" mode of Raspberry Pi OS, and you want to change the resolution of the text console, then you’ll need to add a video setting to cmdline.txt, for example:

In addition, it is possible to add rotation and reflect parameters as documented in the standard Linux framebuffer documentation. An example entry might look like this:

raspberry-pi  raspberrypi  overscan  hdmi 
9 days ago
Tool Safety: A Beautiful Soup zine
> Beautiful Soup is just a tool.
> It isn't good or bad on its own.
> But I chose to make this tool instead of a different tool.
> I choose to work on it now instead of doing other things.

> I can't use "just a tool" as an excuse.
> If I'm going to feel pride about the good people do with my software, I have to share some responsibility for the bad.
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9 weeks ago
toolforge-repos / mwdemo · GitLab
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